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Truffle Box (rsk-react-box)

RSK React Truffle Box

This box comes with everything you need to start using smart contracts from a react app on RSK Network. This box was ported and adapted from React Truffle Box to RSK.


First ensure you are in a new and empty directory.

  1. Run the unbox command via npx and skip to step 3. This will install all necessary dependencies. A Create-React-App is generated in the client directory.

    npx truffle unbox rsksmart/rsk-react-box
  2. Alternatively, you can install Truffle globally and run the unbox command.

    npm install -g truffle
    truffle unbox rsksmart/rsk-react-box
  3. Run the development console.

    npm install
    truffle develop
  4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note inside the development console we don't preface commands with truffle.

  5. In the client directory, we run the React app. Smart contract changes must be manually recompiled and migrated.

    // in another terminal (i.e. not in the truffle develop prompt)
    cd client
    npm run start
  6. Truffle can run tests written in Solidity or JavaScript against your smart contracts. Note the command varies slightly if you're in or outside of the development console.

    // inside the development console.
    // outside the development console..
    truffle test
  7. Jest is included for testing React components. Compile your contracts before running Jest, or you may receive some file not found errors.

    // ensure you are inside the client directory when running this
    npm run test
  8. To build the application for production, use the build script. A production build will be in the client/build folder.

    // ensure you are inside the client directory when running this
    npm run build


Setup an account & get RBTC

Setup the gas price

Gas is the internal pricing for running a transaction or contract. When you send tokens, interact with a contract, send RBTC, or do anything else on the blockchain, you must pay for that computation. That payment is calculated as gas. In RSK, this is paid in RBTC. The minimumGasPrice is written in the block header by miners and establishes the minimum gas price that a transaction should have in order to be included in that block.

To get the minimumGasPrice do the following steps:

  1. Run this query using cURL:


    curl \
        -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["latest",false],"id":1}'


    curl \
        -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
        --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_getBlockByNumber","params":["latest",false],"id":1}'
  2. Find in the result the field minimumGasPrice

For more information about the Gas and minimumGasPrice please go here.

Connect to RSK

  1. Copy your mnemonic to truffle-config.js

    // truffle-config.json
    const HDWalletProvider = require('@truffle/hdwallet-provider');
    //Put your mnemonic here, be careful not to deploy your mnemonic into production!
    // NB: you can find the mnemonic in the truffle develop prompt
    const mnemonic = 'A_MNEMONIC';

    Please be aware that we are using HDWalletProvider with RSK Networks derivations path:

    • RSK Mainnet dpath: m/44’/137’/0’/0
    • RSK Testnet dpath: m/44’/37310’/0’/0

    For more information check RSKIP57.

  2. Check the gas price of the network, and update truffle-config.js if necessary.

  3. Run the development console for any RSK network.

    # Console for Mainnet
    truffle console --network mainnet
    # Console for Testnet
    truffle console --network testnet
  4. Compile and migrate the smart contracts. Note that inside the development console, we don't preface commands with truffle.


Then continue from step 5 of installation steps

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