iOS Library
Implementation for resolvers for the RIF Name Service, available for iOS.
RNS is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simpy add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Rns"
How to use
You will need access to a running rootstock (rsk) node that can made calls to the JSON-RPC. For this we have our public nodes available for you, that are already configured in our Info.plist
You can just create your resolver with the default constructor if you are going to use mainnet.
let resolver = new RnsResolver();
Or you can use another constructor if you want to use a personal node.
let resolver = new RnsResolver(nodeDir: "", publicResolverAddress:"RSK_ADDRES_TO_YOUR_RESOLVER");
Then you can start using your resolver.
Sample app
Download the code of the RNS iOS sample app.